Hayes Homeschool / Projects

Amiri Hayes

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Investment Club Data

Topic: Webscraping & PHP forms
Python, Javascript, PHP
Date: October 2022

I made a website to catalog my investment club’s stock information using a database. It has a login page with passwords for members and information about the club for those who would like to join.

Javascript Games Collection

Topic: Video Games
Javascript, jQuery
Date: Since June 2022

This is a collection of games that I’ve created using Javascript to practice using the language (particularly object-oriented programming). There are many games available, feel free to play one.

Decision Tree Generator

Topic: Machine Learning
Date: January 2023

This is code that I wrote during my NJIT internship to understand how decision trees work. I wrote the code in Python, and then MATLAB, and tested them to make sure I understood the process.

Project Four

Topic: Computer Science
Language 1, Language 2
Date: 1/1/23

Coming Soon!

Project Five

Topic: Computer Science
Language 1, Language 2
Date: 1/1/23

Coming Soon!

Project Six

Topic: Computer Science
Language 1, Language 2
Date: 1/1/23

Coming Soon!